Mar 01 , 2014

Online Weather Learning Center

Is it going to rain today? Is it going to be a cloudy day? Every day, people have to deal with the weather. Sometimes, the weather can be dangerous-- as in hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, or heavy snowfall. Weather can also be fascinating and fun to learn about. Here, at the online weather learning center, you can learn about clouds, fog, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena. Read on to learn some interesting facts about the weather!



  • Basically, fog is a dense cloud of water vapor which is formed at ground level.

  • When there’s cooling at the earth’s surface, the air cools and condenses, forming water droplets. As the water droplets gather, fog is formed.

  • Here’s an interesting fog video for kids.



  • Monsoon means “season”, and it comes from the Arabic word “mausim”. It is used to describe seasonal wind shift.

  • Monsoons can occur in Australia, Africa, Europe, North America, and East Asia, but they are most frequent in South Asia. 

Rain & Snow

Thunder & Lightning

